We have collections from our courier on a daily basis. Once collected, the items should normally be.
Received within the next 48 hours. (subject to postcode area & only applies to mainland UK). Deliveries can take place at any time between 8am and 7pm. There is also a charge if you would want the item re-delivered again. If you are close to Gloucestershire, Cheltenham or Stroud, we can offer you an exclusive.Fitting includes TPMS programming, w. If you are close to Gloucestershire, Cheltenham or Stroud, we can offer you an exclusive discounted tyre fitting service.
Fitting includes New Valves, Laser Tyre Balancing and disposal of your old tyres. Get the maximum longevity from your tyres with precision 3D Wheel Alignment and tracking service. About Us: NEXT WHEELS & TYRES LTD. At Next Wheels & Tyres our aim is to provide the best possible service at the very best prices.
Is based on the following 5 fundamentals. Quality / Trust / Affordability / Honesty & Reliability. 8:30am - 4:00pm.